Month: February 2005

  • Eating Lunch Makes me Sick

    I usually like to eat small lunches. But every once and awhile i will forget the reason why i eat small lunches. I went to El Pollo Loco today by accident. I just finished eating the guacamole burrito and now i want to fall asleep. I made that problem once, i went to KFC once…

  • Probably never released in the states

    This trailer looks amazing. It probably won’t be released in the states, but i can’t wait either way. It looks totally awesome, like matrix .5.

  • New Kleptones

    omg i don't know what i am going to do. i guess ill just download the album or something, check it out.

  • Can You Follow Simple Instructions

    Follow the link to find out the instructions that were given out today in my computer lab. Not enough money is spent in schools and this is the reason why.

  • Funny LA Times headline of the day

    “Iraq election workers count votes the old fashioned way.” What does that mean? That they count votes by hand? Isn’t that how we do it also? Well because the new fashioned way works out so well. Here is the link to the online version In a Second-Floor Room, Iraq’s Vote Slowly Unfolds.