Month: March 2006

  • Spazmatics 2006

  • This Months Photo Project – Graffiti

    This month i will be taking pictures of Graffiti. I go to a lot of art shows, mainly by graffiti artists. I love graffiti, i love how illegal it is, I love everything about it. I will sometimes see some graffiti artists and i will get speechless. Graffiti is the new art, you just don’t…

  • Merry Karnowsky Shepard Opening 2006

  • I Hate 24

    I love two shows currently on T.V. right now. These two shows are Lost and 24. The reason why i hate these shows is pretty obvious, i am addicted to them! I didn’t start watching Lost until it was done with the first season and i could rent the DVD. I did this because i…

  • Moby at Avalon

    URB Magazine celebrated its 15 years of existence by throwing a party all over the country. I was lucky enough to be invited to the Los Angeles event at the Avalon. the event featured Moby and Jason Bentley and others were scheduled to appear. We didn’t show up till about when Jason Bentley started to…