Category: Interesting

  • enough of my insaneness!

    japanese cosplay is totally sweet. especially when they do….. Alice in Wonderland!!!

  • More famous than me

    obviously my friend zach is way more famous than me.

  • What america is about.

    If this isn’t American, i just don’t know what is anymore.

  • Swindle This

    Some might say that Shepard Fairey is the man, I just like to say that he knows a little something about something. Check out his new Mag, Swindle. I think someone needs to tell him that magazines barely ever make money.

  • Steve is awesome

    Steve jobs is one of the best speakers ever. I think because he has perfected the Steeple. LRhB first pointed this out to me years ago. Check out the Steeple Technique. Its one of the best techniques out there.