I got the Flu
I somehow got Influenza again, so if your counting thats me getting the flu twice this year. The first time i got the flu my body was aching for about one week, and then i got a cold because of it, that went away two months later. Did you know that the flu kills about…
Kings vs. Stars – Go Kings!
For my belated birthday, My friend matt took me to go see a hockey game. I had never been to a hockey game before. We went to go see the Los Angeles Kings versus the Dallas Stars at the Staples Center. Before we went to the Staples Center we met up at the Figueroa Hotel…
Walking on the train tracks is illegal
I was in pacoima the other day when i thought it would be interesting to walk a bit on the train tracks. I was only going to walk on the tracks for maybe 30 feet. I wasn’t even paying attention at all, i had my headphones on and my ipod playing. I just stepped on…
Obsessed with Updating
I am obsessed with new features and features that nobody has on there wordpress installation. I am always obsessed with the newest and best stuff everywhere. My computer needs to be updated all the time, I have to have the latest updates installed. I visit versiontracker.com twice everyday to see if there is anything new…
How to Get a Prostitute
Going along with my other post about GFE, if you ever want to get a prostitute and don't wanna get arrested for it. Just film it, and say that you are filming a porno, and that you paid her to be in it with you. What? Its totally Legal.