How it was done > SubliminalProjects.com
I had wanted to do the Subliminal Projects website ever since I started working here. It was using a custom built backend and front end that was really hard to work with. And after everyone’s experience here with WordPress they had asked that it be built on WordPress. I wanted to make it easy and…
Blogging Software Beware
Its no secret that Matt Mullenweg wants to do. Well it sort of is, if you have never watched him explain WordPress or how he became who he is today. As he describes in many interviews his goal growing up was to be the top result for “Matt” in google. He accomplished this and held…
Project: Subliminal Projects
I recently got the pleasure of working on the Subliminal Projects website. I was able to finish my tri-fecta of websites under the “Studio Number One” umbrella (Studio Number One, OBEY GIANT, Subliminal Projects). I had wanted to work on the gallery page since I started working on the OBEY GIANT website. There is so…
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Dashboard Google Page Rank
My first public plugin for wordpress that shows your websites google pagerank in the dashboard. Can be disabled in the screen options menu and moved around at will. Works 2.7+, I don’t know if it works on anything below that. Just really an example of how to put something into the dashboard. Download :Dashboard Google…