Its the new pink

Do your friends dress like you? Do you dress like everyone in your group? Do you feel that you have to wear the same type of clothes when hanging around your friends? Do you shop with your friends and tend to by the same things?

I don’t know how this happens, but i notice that in a group of friends, they mostly dress alike. In my adventure yesterday at the grove i noticed that withing the groups of girls, They all dressed alike. Is it the new pink to dress like your friend? Or even friends? I know that when i was in high school, most of my friends dressed alike. We were all skaters, so we all had skater shoes and skater pants and skater shirts. But we never ever had the same clothes. I saw girls at the grove wearing the same things, like they were trying to match. Is it the new pink to have a human accessory? Like girls like to dress up there dogs to match there outfit.

Dressing like everyone else is the new orange i guess.