Using WordPress and Woo Commerce to Drop Ship

I have started a business like Jimmy John Shark and it involves Drop Shipping. Drop Shipping is where a customer buys an item from me, and then I order said item from a drop shipping supplier and ship it to the customer. Sounds pretty easy doesn’t it. Well there are already a ton a companies that are doing this, so getting into it late into the game is what makes it hard. I am not going to get into the product I am selling at the moment, I am going to start with why I choose WordPress and Woo Commerce to start my adventure.

It came down to one thing, money. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on trying this venture and having it failing. The only money that I had to put into this was for the domain name, and that came to $15 dollars. I already have hosting, thanks to dreamhost. With dreamhost I can host as many domains as I want to. I currently host five domains, none of which do anything of any nature. They also allow Let’s Encrypt’ion, for the domains hosted on my account. I don’t need to pay any monthly fees on the encryption. The Let’s Encrypt SSL is required for accepting Credit Cards from Stripe, which leads to. The Woo Commerce shopping cart plugin is also free, and has a plugin for accepting credit cards though stripe. Which handles the emailing of the people, the product inventory, etc etc.

So all in all, my initial investment into Drop Shipping is going to cost me $15, and that is just for the domain.

Now you might think, well yes you already have the web host to do this yourself. Well If you don’t have that, you can sign up for a years service at dreamhost for $119.40. Which isn’t too bad of an investment either. If you want to get into drop shipping, having multiple stores is where it is at. And hopefully your first few sales will pay for the hosting itself. They have other plans at $11 bucks a month which is also a good starter field.

Let me know your comments on this below, I want to get much more into detail about this as I go along.