Why Are App Store Books so Expensive?

So Shepard was telling me about this book today I Sold Andy Warhol (Too Soon), and we got talking about a great movie that I saw recently The Art of the Steal (2009), anyways blah blah blah. So, he tells me about this book and it sounds interesting, So im sold. I go to Amazon, see how much it is $17.96, not to bad, I need to get some other books anyways, so I will get free shipping with my order. Then I think, Well shit why don’t I get it from the Apple Store, $18.99! Really? Thats the cost it would be if i had to pay for shipping. And then Amazon has it the Kindle Edition for only $9.99, I ended up doing that.

Oh and also, the book cover looks awful. Why didn’t they use the real book cover.