You are doing it wrong

This is a post about how much I have grown with WordPress and how I try to make it easy for people to use.

I went to WordCamp sf 2013 this past year. I love going to word camps I learn something new every time I go to one. And I love watching Matt give the state of the word. But i am actually over it now.

But anyways, while Matt was giving his speech there was a guy in front of me coding a PDF upload form in a wordpress install. There was a custom upload browse button at the bottom of the post screen. And I remembered wanting to so this myself for awhile and I looked into it. It just seemed too complicated and I never really finished it on a project. I don’t remember where or why or when or anything but I remember working one one.

Back to this guy, the PDF would be shown on a calendar if there was a PDF uploaded from this special form. The form looked awful, and it just didn’t seem intuitive. I didn’t think of it until the plane ride home, but I should have gave him an easier way to do it. Which is the wordpress way. I was just more into listening to the state of the word.

If I was asked to do something like this now, I would just have the person upload it to the post and then on the calendar if an attachment equals to PDF then show the link to the PDF. Custom upload forms are just annoying and more fields are just too complicated.